7 Days Before Christmas

It was snowing today. The first snow for this winter. I sensed a joyful atmosphere all around the places as the snow is pouring down. The snowflakes were so beautiful- mildly sprayed from the sky above, enjoying their fall on this warm earth. Watching that, I wished I could be like these snowflakes; so white, so pure, so delicate, so unique, so light -no burden, no hurry-, just enjoying the given time. Praise God for this wonderful earth.

Anyway, I took a look at the calendar it is 18 December 2009 already. 7 more days and it is Christmas holiday. So many blessings and joy in every Christmas for everybody, I believe. Through this blog, I would like to wrap special packages for all the readers too for these seven days before Christmas. I hope you will like it. =).

Count down - 7 days. Gift no. 1.

Be faithful!

Matthew 25:23 (New International Version)
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

A few days I just read a chapter of a book which struck me quite hard. The chapter talks about this, heart of servant. In Matthew 25, it is said that to be in charge of many things (trusted and becoming successful) we should be faithful with a few things first (small things which sometimes are ignored by people).

People always have the tendency to fulfill their own wants and needs, as all marketing and sales book discusses about. Very few people actually would like to quickly help other without being asked. More would like to do greater things or lead; nobody wants to serve.

But the book recommends strongly that serving is a must. My friend, J (Jesus, I mean), gave a very good example of serving. He humbled himself and washed the most dirtiest part of one's body, feet. He was not ashamed doing that since he knew that the real him was not a servant but a noble man. Serving does not change one identity. In fact, it opens us to bigger opportunities -opportunities usually lie in every day's small tasks while only once or twice in life-long journey big opportunity would appear.

So, maybe what you can do now is:
1. Shape yourself, be healthy, look good. Never miss your chance to make a remarkable positive first impression to everyone you meet.
2. Study, study, study! Never stop learning something new! A tree not growing is similar to a dying tree.
3. Make something out of you. Everybody always has at least one good strong point. This strong point can be useful for somebody else, why wouldn't you maximize it? If:
- You are good at playing instruments? Make good music so you would comfort the heavy hearts.
- You play sports really well? Practice yourself! Make yourself and your family or even your country proud of you.
- You are a scientist? Don't stop making the world a better place; maybe it's destroyed already if people like you gave up formerly.
- You are a real backpacker? Tell the world your stories and make them love the world so they won't waste it.
- You just started your business? Save one more cent! One more cent every second will give you 36 euro per hour. Million dollar business is at your hand.
- You have become a pastor for several decades? You make a big house in heaven, please hold on for a little more time. Or,
- You are a mere student? Aim higher, don't be satisfied only with a pass grade, how would you encourage your children to be better than you before you try hard enough.

Once again I say to you, faithfulness should be priced higher!

Merry -7 Christmas!

3 a.m. Dead Time?

Two of my friends asked me the same question after watching the movie Paranormal Activity. They were wondering if 3 a.m. is in fact “dead time”- people are killed in this hour- as the film tells so.

At the moment they threw me this question, I was blank. I had no idea about what is this about. I have never heard also that this hour (3 a.m.) has superstitious image. What I know is that people usually say that 6 p.m. is the “dark hour” or the time when demons are getting out from his hiding place. So, in order to answer their questions, I googled a bit.

These are some results which I got:
1. 3 a.m. is known as the ‘demonic witching hour’. In European folklore, the witching hour is the time when supernatural creatures such as witches, demons and ghosts are thought to be at their most powerful, and black magic at its most effective.
2. It is also the opposite time of the ‘miracle hour’ –the time when Christ died on the cross- which was indicated with 3 p.m. It is used by some satanic cult to mock the 3 p.m.
3. At this hour, some people feels ‘disturbed’ during their sleep. They are suddenly awake and frightened and as they take a look at the time it was exactly 3 a.m.
4. Other movies like Witching Hour (1996) and Exorcist (2005) also use this 3 a.m. concept.

In response to the information above, I was thinking whether this issue is true or not. I, personally, believe that demon and magic exist. They might have power to attack us if we are not shielded or keeping guard (how to be shielded, I will discuss it in next post). However, I don’t really think it’s true that 3 a.m. is the hour.

I’ve found one blog which quite give me very good information about this. In paranormal world research (a research and analysis of the ‘other’ world), researchers work mainly during nighttime. The only purpose for doing it in this period is the quietness which help them concentrate more and be more sensitive towards those ‘creatures’. The same case happens to us, in night time, our senses are becoming more active than in day-time; we could even listen to the tick of the clock or the sway of the leaves. So, sometimes, we often think that night time it’s freakier. But regarding devils working time, I don’t think it’s only 3 a.m. All the stories above might only be a made-up stories to bully us and to make us more afraid of them and therefore feeling their presence.

One suggestion: thinking that the demons are working 24 hours a day might relieve us from fear. It also helps us to be more aware of their presence during our day so that we won’t fall into their traps easily. Or, think about that demons are harmless during the day and at night, it is also the same harmless demons which surround us, no point to worry.

Let's Dance!

praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, (Psalm 150:4 – NIV)

David, Israel’s second king, had one interest which I hardly understood until last night. His music interest has had no problem with me but his dancing interest had brought up some questions inside my head. I wondered about the reasons why he would dance so crazily (as Michal, Saul’s daughter thought) when the ark of the Lord came into the city of David.

“I don’t do dancing” has always been my answer if somebody asks me to join a dancing activity or even cheerleading. Basically I have always thought that my body is not flexible enough (I could not even touch my toes easily) –when I was small, I didn’t go to any dancing classes unlike other friends. Moreover, I used to think that it’s too girly for me –I was tomboy.

As I was growing up, I began to think that dancing is quite cool, why not trying then? I also thought that if I could learn other things like music and sports easily, why shouldn’t I give dancing a try too? So, I started watching dancing videos, asking some friends to teach me some moves, and of course try it myself. As a conclusion for my learning to dance process, I found that dancing is tough.
I am a person who always gets excited for God in every Sunday services. I am also a type of person who doesn’t like to stay calm while praising God but prefer clapping, jumping and shouting. I would also dance, but I have no idea of how to. Sometimes, I wondered why we should rejoice and dance for God. Many verses in the Bible say that we have to sing praises for his goodness and mercy and kindness and faithfulness and love for us. There are also many ways to express our gratefulness to the Lord. Praying, singing hymn, jumping for God, shouting his name, making music, and dancing are some ways.

So, back to David, why did he dance that way? My simple reasons are:
- It’s an expression of his gratefulness
- It’s an offering to God, a symbol of praise
- It’s transforming himself, loosening himself, feeling freedom

In other words, dancing is an act of freedom, joyfulness, victory, and gratefulness while offering everything one possesses to praise, glorify and exalt the Almighty. While on the other hand, transforming inner being to be more open and casual and flexible instead of captured in formality, rules, and pride.

So, in order to sum up this long discussion of mine, I thought, the message is short: dance and be free. God loves his children to be free in his freedom.

The Ground

Click picture to see video

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1.

One Life to Live

Life is all about decision. You are who you choose you want to be.
Will power enables us to control, at least, our being and sometimes our surroundings. Most of the time, I want things to work in my way; I want others to think in my way, speak in my way and behave in my way. I don’t realize that it might be true if my way isn’t always the perfect way. I am too self-centered. Apparently, it is undeniable too that it is really hard to take control of myself. I have unconsciously, accidentally done things that I should not have done. QUA: How powerful could a man be?
The same principle applies in the journey of life. Due to weaknesses, lack of knowledge, inexperience, and limitations it is so hard for every human to always choose the right decision. Therefore, if I may imagine, I am inside a maze with one way out and I turn to a wrong path for once and thus my next turns will lead me to a deeper confusion. It might also happen that I will not be able to get out of the maze. QUA: How could somebody get out of that maze?
I would say that life is a maze, a puzzle which no one had figured the clues out except you (you would and would not). I don’t mind if you want to look for your own way out and try it with your own power but I only worry whether you will make it on time or not (it is way more complicated than 1000 pieces puzzle and nobody knows also when the deadline is). QUA: Are you sure you are going out of the maze of your life?
Looking back at the records of the ones who had been in the puzzle, it is a little surprising. Some did manage to get out of the maze safely and reach their destination. Some exited in the wrong place. Some ended up giving up in the middle of the maze, puzzled, dazzled, trampled, and failed. I remember discussing suicide rate in some countries in the world, like Japan, and how high the rate is at dinner. That’s how tough our world we live in is.
For me, personally, it’s better for me to have the guide-book or walk-through book if I have to pass by a maze or it would be best if somebody who knows the way accompany me along the journey to make sure I am not going to be lost. Alright, I admit, I am probably too afraid of some challenges in life, but if I know it is not worth risking the opportunity of one-shot, I would not dare to play around.
It’s good that I have both the friend and also the guide book! Along the way, I still have to carefully listen and follow the guidance of my friend and also consult the book for some riddles but at least I don’t have to worry about going to wrong direction. Anyway, this friend of mine, he has quite a lot of spare time, he is willing to assist anybody who has the same fear as I have –the fear of getting lost and failed. His office is open 24-7. Just call his name and he will pick up.
Good luck!

Hello, everybody!

Welcome to this blog of mine!
I know, you all are very curious about what would I write in this blog; Jesus in Holland? Am I not mistaken? Which Jesus do I mean? Is it Holland of the Netherlands am I referring to? Would it become a religious site or an educational one? Is this blog worth-following? And those many more questions inside your brilliant brain.
But before getting started, I would like to request one mercy from you; please allow me to introduce myself in the next two or three paragraphs. =). If only I have not found mercy in your eyes, you could directly jump onto the next post of mine.
Alright, some things you need to know about me:
1. I am an Indonesian-Chinese girl. Aged of 19. Coming from a small town in East Java called Tulungagung.
2. Moving to Eindhoven, the Netherlands about 1 year and 3 months ago for studying IBMS at Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
3. I have been out of my hometown since I was 16.
4. Belong to a great family – Mom and Dad are working at home and my brother is in Surabaya, studying.
5. In Eindhoven, joining GMI Eindhoven community. In Malang, being a part of GBI Rehoboth family and in Tulungagung, GUP Tulungagung is my second home.
6. Finally, the most important one, my name is Raissa Purnamasari Setiawan.
Beside music and sports, one of my interests in life is learning. I’d always loved to meet and know someone whom I can learn from. In the past, it was really my pleasure to get the chance to be under great people supervision, which shaped me to be the person I am today. At this moment of my life, I am now learning about this person. His name is Jesus. Moving along with my learning process, this blog will record the best-to-be-shared knowledge and experiences which I would be having.